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May 2019 – Jul 2019

A game that's designed to change your views on studying basic chemistry.

Have fun & learn which atoms compete to form bonds first,

how electrons are transferred and shared between various atoms,

and many more such interesting phenomenon of the world of chemistry.

115+ compounds for you to discover.

So why wait, start playing now!

Important Technical Features:

  • Game Engine: Unity 2019.3
    Language Used: C#


  • Created individual prefabs for Atoms [Atom.cs] and Electrons [Electron.cs] with

    • Variables for atoms to store the following:

      • Atomic configuration e.g. Cl => (2, 7)

      • Charge (changes with each give/take of electron)

    • 3 stacks per atom to monitor changes in atomic configuration​​

  • Solid mathematical lerp model written to make electrons do the following​:

    • Revolve around the atom in their respective orbit (radius)

    • The radius of each orbit changes based on

      • Number of electrons

      • Charge gained/lost

    • Transfer between atoms smoothly​

    • Hold between atoms if shared

  • All the art is made with Paint3D

  • 7.5k+ downloads on Google Play Store

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