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The Swan Takes Flight

Jan 2020 – Apr 2020

A 2-player Alt-Control game in which players have to crank a pipe and hit a foot-pedal each to control the up-down and side-to-side motion and firing, for an all powerful Anti Aircraft gun setup on a spaceship


Cosocroba is a semester-long project undertook at Entertainment Arts & Engineering - University of Utah. In a team of 12 highly talented individuals:

@VishalNaidu - Gameplay Engineer | Gun Master

@HaydenGriffin - Producer | Cat Herder

@AidanOkeefe - Producer | Audio Wizard

@KaranGanesh - Producer | The Camera Guy

@BalajiGanesh - Game Engineer | The Hardware Guy

@JacksonKeller - Environment Artist | Likes Rocks

@XiaohangDing - Model Artist

@RajeshChilagani - Gameplay Engineer

@XingnanChen - Gameplay Engineer

@LinBao - Concept/Model Artist

@ErikaWood - Gameplay Engineer

@JinleiWang - Technical Artist

Coscoroba_-_Full_Playthrough_+_Gameplay_ (2).gif (1).gif (3).gif

I Am Gun-Master

How I contributed:

  • Game Engine: Unreal Engine 4.24
    Language Used: C++


  • Set up the Weapons System for the ship

    • Airburst Gun & Gatling Gun

      • Wrote the AnimBP & State Machines for the gun​

        • 4 round firing & cooldown​ (Gatling)

        • Spool up/down (Airburst)

      • Wrote the Firing Logic for the gun

      • Wrote Projectiles and used Particles from Paragon character packs

        • Muzzle Flash

        • Trail

        • Explosion/Hit

      • Wrote the Damage Logic to deal

        • Radial (splash) damage​ (Airburst)

        • Point damage (Gatling)

    • The Ring - allows the players to rotate around the ship, allowing the players to spot enemies from all directions

  • Designed the Hierarchy Structure
    To divide the player character's functionality into the following categoeies, allowing the engineering team to work in parallel and thus, faster:

    1. Base Character (Health | Damage Events | Shield)​

    2. Weapons System (Firing | Input Maps)

    3. Camera System (Weapon Station Rotation | Input Maps)

    4. Socket System (Getting Inputs From Raspberry Pi)

    5. Child Character Blueprint

  • Helped optimize the communication & physical controller input mapping from Raspberry Pi to in-game controller events​​

  • Made the Intro Cinematic in UE4, in the Water Level

  • Thanks to @HaydenGriffin & @JacksonKeller for the gun meshes & animation clips

  • Thanks to @EpicGames for the Paragon VFX assets

  • Tutorial Level​

    • Wrote the sequential event firing logic, based on player actions​

    • Designed the tutorial (water) Level

How do my guns work?

Gatling Gun:

  1. Get the following variables from the main CharBP:

    • IsFiring​

    • WeaponMode [Airburst / Gatling / BDG]

  2. If IsFiring is true, then start increasing a variable called RotationRate
    Which directly controls at what rate a variable called CurrentRotation climbs

  3. CurrentRotation directly controls what Roll value the Barrel bone has
    And is clamped between 0 and 360


  4. The AnimBP has just one state machine and every animation in it is an empty clip


    • It's because I wanted the state machine to change states from Idle to Spooling to Firing based on RotationRate

    • Each state change would give me the AnimNotifies I want to toggle the Actual Firing Function, Firing and Overheat Sounds and Effects

  5. There's a ModifyBone node which controls the current angle of rotation of the barrel​


  1. Get the following variables from the main CharBP:

    • IsFiring​

    • WeaponMode [Airburst / Gatling / BDG]

  2. AnimBP graph has one main state machine to do the following:

    • Start from Idle

    • Move sequentially across 4 identical firing states (for a burst of 4 rounds)

    • Enter cooldown state

    • Provide AnimNotifies for Firing

      [No need to write a complex cooldown/firing control code | I can play stuff like MuzzleFlash, smoke, control the blue glowing reload indicator with ease]

This Beauty Won't Be Possible Without

Our Excellent Artists

The Team That Made It Happen

Image from iOS.jpg
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